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发表于 2022-12-30 09:52:28
中国抗癌协会肿瘤支持治疗专业委员会中 国抗癌协会肿瘤临床化疗专业委员会
通信作者:巴一,国家肿瘤临床医学研究中心天津市肿瘤防治重点实验室天津市恶性肿瘤临床医学研究中心天津医科大学肿瘤医院消化肿瘤内科,天津300060, Email: bayi@tjmuch.com;张俊,上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院肿瘤科,上海200025 , Email:junzhang10977@sjtu.edu.cn
[关键词] 恶性肿瘤; 新型冠状病毒: 疫苗;优先等级; 专家共识
DOI: 10.3760/ cma.j.cn112152-20220505-00309
Chinse expert consensus on issues related to the protection, treatment and management of patientswith solid tumors during COVID-19 ( 2022 edition)
Counittee of Neoplastic Supportite-Care, China Anti-Cancer Assciation; Cancer Clinical ChemotherapyComitte of China Anti-Cancer Association Corresponding authors: Ba Yi, Depurtment of Digestine Oncology, Nationad Clinical Reseurch Center of Cancer, Tianjin's Clinical Research Center for Cancer, Tianjin's Key Laboratory of Cancer Prevention and Therpy, Tianjin Medical Uninersity Cancer Instiute and Hospital, Tianjin 300060, China, Email : bayi@tjmnuch. com; Zhang Jun, Depurtment of Oncology, Rui Jin Hospial, Shanghai Jiaotong Unirersity School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China, Email: junshang10977@sjtu edu.cn
[ Abstract ] The new coronavirus is still in the global pandemic stage. At pesent , the Dela strain and the Omicron strain are the main ci rculating strains. The mutant stain has stronger infectivity than the original virus. In the content of COVID-19 pandemie , social public resources and medical resources may be affected, which lead to the medical treatment being delayed or interrupted in some patients with malignant tumors. Based on relevant research and elinical pactice at home and abroad, the Cancer Support Therapy Committee of Chima Anti-Cancer Assoc iation and the Cancer Cliniceal Chemotherapy Committee of China Anti-Cancer Association, in the light of China's national conditions and the availability of resources such as vacdines and antiviral drug, to formulate a onsensus of Chinese esperts on isues related to the prevention,treat: ment and management of patients with solid tumors. The main contents include the vaccination of ancer patients with COVID-19, the optimization of medical resoucese, and the timing of restarting anti-tumor therapy after COVID-19 ifection. This article is aimed at providing reference for elinical pratice.
[ Key words] Malignant tumor;,COVID-19; COVID-19 vaccine; Priority; Expert consensus
DOI: 10.3760/ ema. j.cnl 12152-20220505-00309
2019年12月起,新型冠状病毒(新冠病毒)对全球公共卫生健康造成了重大影响。肿瘤是全球第2大死亡原因,发病率和死亡率极高[1]。世界卫生组织和国际癌症研究署发布的《2020全球癌症报告》显示,2018年全球新发恶性肿瘤1 810万例[2]。由于多数实体肿瘤患者年龄大、并发症多、抗肿瘤治 |